How to use DenoGres Methods
Instance Methods
Insert created properties on an instance object into the database.
// create new instance of model
const person = new Person();// create properties = 'Deno';person.hair_color = 'purple';
person.age = '100';
// inserts created properties
Update properties on an instance object in the database.
// reassign property value
person.hair_color = 'blue';// updates reassigned value in database
await person.update();Model Methods
Note: ensure single spaces are entered around comparison operators ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <> )
Insert row(s) into the database for the current model.
Input: (...rows: string[ ])
// inserts a new row in the database
await Person.insert('name = Deno', 'hair_color = purple').query();edit
Update existing rows in the database for the current model.
Input: (...rows: string[ ])
// edits all values in a column
await Person.edit('hair_color = blue').query();delete
Delete the current model (can be chained with where method).
// deletes entire model
await Person.delete().query();// deletes where condition is met
await Person.delete().where('name = Deno').query();select
Select column(s) from current model.
Input: (...columns: string[ ])
// either will return all columns in current model
// returns selected columns
await'name', 'hair_color').query();// returns selected column where condition is met
await'name').where('hair_color = black').query();where
Add condition(s) to the current query (using without 'select' method will select all columns).
AND/OR, NOT and LIKE can be added to the beginning of any arguments.
Input: (...condition: string[ ])
// return selected column where conditions are met
await'name').where('NOT age < 100', 'AND gender = male').query();// returns all columns where conditions are met
await Person.where('hair_color = black', 'OR eye_color = blue').query();limit
Limit the number of returned rows from the current query.
Input: (limit: number)
// returns 5 columns where conditions are met
await'name').where('hair_color = black').limit(5).query();having
Add condition(s) involving aggregate functions to the current query.
Input: (...conditions: string[ ])
Selects records with matching values on both tables.
Input: (column1: string, column2: string, table2: string)
Selects records from the current table and matching values on another table.
Input: (column1: string, column2: string, table2: string)
Selects records from another table and matching values on the current table.
Input: (column1: string, column2: string, table2: string)
Selects all records when a match exists in either table.
Input: (column1: string, column2: string, table2: string)
Group rows with the same values into summary rows.
Input: (...columns: string[ ])
Order column(s) by ascending or descending order.
Input: (order: string, ...column: string[ ]) order must be ASC or DESC
// returns all columns ordered by ascending age, then id
await'*').order('ASC', 'age', 'id').query();// returns selected columns ordered by descending age
await'name', 'age').order('DESC', 'age').query();avg-count-sum-min-max
Calculate aggregate functions (can be chained with 'where' method).
Input: (column: string)
await Person.count('cost').query(); // returns count of selected column
await Person.sum('cost').query(); // returns sum of selected column
await Person.min('cost').query(); // returns min value of selected column
await Person.max('cost').query(); // returns max value of selected column
Chain with other methods to send current query to database
Chain with methods to send query to database and create a new instance of a model with key value pairs representing the first row returned from the query. This is generally used in conjuction with the association methods to set getter functions on that instance of the model.
const canada = await Country.where('name = Canada').queryInstance();
const canadaCapital = await canada.getCapital();
transaction | endTransaction
Chain at the end of other model methods to create or continue a transaction. Transactions can be used across several models to group queries together.
When a single query in the transaction chain fails, all of the queries will be rolled back so the database state is never changed. To complete the transaction you can invoke endTransaction directly on the model, or chain endTransaction onto your last query.
await Animal.delete().where('name = Spot').transaction();
await Person.insert('nae = Rachel').endTransaction();// throws an error since 'nae' isn't a column, rolls back all previous queries and returns the error for the query that failed